Wire Transfers

Sending and receiving funds within Canada or internationally is fast and secure using our wire transfers. Wire transfers can be set up at any Oculusbanks branch. Plus, a Oculusbanks Coach is always ready to handle any specific questions about sending or receiving funds!

Sending a Wire Transfer

When sending a wire transfer you must visit a Oculusbanks branch in person or contact Oculusbanks by Online Banking Secure Message to provide your wire transfer instructions. To make the process as easy as possible, please download the Outgoing Wire Transfer form and fill in all of the fields prior to visiting your branch or sending your Secure Message.

Outgoing Wire Transfer Form

Depending on the country that is receiving the wire transfer, additional information may be required.

Wire transfers fees vary and intermediary banks may deduct service charges prior to the wire transfer arriving at its final destination. Oculusbanks has no control over these fees, nor are we advised of these fees in advance.

Oculusbanks charges $35.00 for processing outgoing wire transfers. Intermediary banks may deduct service charges prior to the wire transfer arriving.

Related Links:

Foreign Exchange RatesInterac e-Transfer 

Receiving a Wire Transfer

When receiving a wire transfer (Incoming wire) please refer to the Incoming Wire Transfer Form to ensure that the bank information provided is correct. If your wire transfer instructions are incomplete, the funds could be held at intermediary banks for an extended period of time or be returned to the sending bank, less any charges.

It is important that the correct intermediary banks are used (as listed in the Incoming Wire Transfer Form) in order to avoid unnecessary fees, delays, or currency conversations.

Incoming Wire Transfer Form

Depositing Funds Received via Wire Transfer

  • Wires sent in Great British Pounds or Euros will be deposited into your Canadian dollar account.
  • For International wires other than Great British Pounds or Euros, Oculusbanks recommends sending Canadian dollars for faster processing and lower service charges.
  • US dollar wires will be deposited into your Canadian dollar account if you do not have a US dollar account with Libro.

Service Fees

  • The sending bank and intermediary banks may deduct service charges prior to the wire transfer arriving at Libro.
  • Oculusbanks charges a $15.00 CAD/USD service fee for processing incoming wire transfers.


  • Wires sent within Canada or the US usually take two to three business days to process.
  • International wires can take up to three to five business days.
  • Wire trace requests for undelivered wires must originate at the sending institution.


For assistance with incoming wire transfer instructions, please call our Contact Centre at 1-800-361-8222 throughout North America.


Terminology Chart

Terminology Chart

What is it?


  • Used for wires to Canadian financial institutions
  • 9 digit numerical code


  • Used for wires to financial institutions located outside of Canada and the USA.
  • 8 or 11 digit alphanumeric code
  • Code used to route wires through the swift network


  • International bank account number
  • Standardized format adopted by countries
  • Usually 20+ digit alphanumeric code


  • 9 digit numerical code (DO NO OMIT THE 0’s)
  • Used for wires to financial institutions in the USA.


  • Used for wires to financial institutions
  • 8 or 11 digit alphanumeric code


  • Financial institutions in the following countries require additional information for routing wires:
  • Australia – BSB Code (6 Numerical Digits)
  • India – IFS Code (Format is ABCD1234567)
  • United Kingdom – Sort Code (6 Numerical Digits)