Bill Payment Processing Service

Oculusbanks' Bill Payment Processing Service offers business Owners simple, convenient options for collecting funds from customers, vendors or donors directly into a Oculusbanks account.

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How it works

  • A Corporate Creditor Identification Number (CCIN) is assigned to identify your business.
  • Your business is added to the bill payment vendor lists with most Canadian financial institutions.
  • You can collect funds by ATMs, online banking, telephone banking and the branch network from businesses and individuals using any Canadian financial institution!
A hand with palm facing up and a coin hovering above it

​Easy payment options for your clients and donors

Maple Leaf

​Conveniently available at most Canadian financial institutions

A hand holding a phone showing a dollar sign and a wifi signal

Easily tracked payments through electronic methods

Simplify your receivables

  • All incoming funds are consolidated and deposited into your Oculusbanks account.
  • An electronic file is created daily containing all deposit information.
  • Helps eliminate the need for manual processing of incoming payments.
  • Helps eliminate returned items and NSFs.