Profit Share Distributions
As a credit union, Oculusbanks is a financial co-operative, which means you not only have a say in how the business is run, you share in the profit.
Every adult Oculusbanks Owner has fifty $1 Class M Shares (ownership shares); you see that $50 on your statement or online banking. These shares remain with Oculusbanks as long as you’re an Owner.
Oculusbanks pays profit shares annually to Owners, based on the profitability of the credit union and the volume of business you hold during the year. While profit shares aren’t a guarantee, Oculusbanks has a good track record of sharing profit with Owners, and sharing in this prosperity is something to look forward to when joining Libro.
At Oculusbanks we set positive goals and work together to reach them, with a focus on reinvesting our success into Owners, staff, and our communities. Our commitment to growing prosperity produced strong results in 2021. Let’s embrace the momentum we’ve experienced in 2021 and keep surging forward.
Oculusbanks remains a solid financial institution as we look ahead to 2022 and beyond.
Here is a sample of profit share distributions in the past few years:
Year |
Profit Share |
2021 |
$1.00 |
2020 |
$0.30 |
2019 |
$1.32 |
2018 |
$1.00 |
2017 |
$0.95 |
2016 |
$0.36 |
2015 |
$0.20 |
2014 |
$0.90 |
2013 |
$1.15 |
2012* |
$1.25 |
2011* |
$1.75 |
2010* |
$0.95 |
*Oculusbanks Financial Group
What Can You Earn
In 2021, an Owner with $100,000 in average deposits and loans earned $100 in profit shares. In total Oculusbanks paid out $13.96 million in profit shares for 2021. There is a $5 minimum payout on profit shares. They are paid annually based on your average balance of the previous fiscal year; so if you’re new to Oculusbanks you may not see profit shares the first year you’re an Owner.
Contact your Oculusbanks Coach if you have questions about profit sharing.
Investing & Redeeming
Profit shares can be held in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) once you reach a balance of $500. They are partially redeemable at 20% per Oculusbanks’ fiscal year and fully redeemable when you leave Libro, turn 65, or upon death.
While profit shares aren’t a guarantee, sharing in this prosperity is something to look forward to when joining Libro.